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Resources From The Blog
Stop Doing These 32 Things to Your Kids Right Now
The majority of parents aspire to be the best parents possible. However, some of their acts may be more harmful than beneficial. Now is the time to make some changes and get rid of some unhealthy habits. Here are 32 things you should not be doing right now. ...
How to Raise Happy Children for Life Success
Giving your children a pleasant, healthy upbringing can help them succeed later in life. However, many parents worry how they might raise happy children in today's environment. Raising happy children isn't about providing them with immediate joy or pleasure. In...
One of the fascinating aspects of being a parent is the wide range of approaches we use to raise our children. At the same time, there are a lot of similarities between parents. Indeed, there is enough commonality among parents that academics have attempted to...
14 strategies to get your child to read in preschool
When children love reading, it is simpler for them to improve their reading abilities. They put in more practice time and are more eager to take on reading difficulties. Use these suggestions to encourage your youngster to read and, ideally, develop a passion for it....
How can we assist children in developing flexible thinking skills
Flexible thinking is a talent that allows children to look at circumstances in fresh ways and come up with new answers. It comes naturally to certain children. Others, on the other hand, require assistance in developing flexible thinking. Strategy and logic games can...
When individuals hold opposing viewpoints: How can you assist your child adapt during this election season?
Some children (and adults) have difficulty accepting the viewpoints of others. They believe that they are always correct and that everyone else is incorrect. This is especially true for children who have difficulty thinking in a flexible manner. People with flexible...
Balancing Fathers’ and Mothers’ Parenting Styles.
It is not simply for family solidarity that children require both a mother and a father. Children require both the caring approach that most mothers bring to the family and a more demanding, real-world focused style that most fathers appear to have innately. So, how...
7 Ways to Effectively Mentor Your Children
Everyone needs a mentor, and everyone needs to be mentored, according to a popular saying. And it would be difficult to find someone who disagrees with that assertion. However, as dads & moms, most of us were never properly taught how to mentor others,...
Children’s Vision Boards: Help the children to follow their dreams
Whether you think that vision boards are something to look at, the joke is on you. Because they're working! I'll tell you. Let's talk about children's vision boards, and help your kids follow their dreams. I have shared my experience with the fulfillment of my dream...
Ultimate Guide To Social Skills Activities
Activities and social skills resources to help teach valuable social skills to children. Social skills activities are great for teaching social skills to children. As children develop social skills they can better get along with others. Social skills are the means by...