Homework and Study Habits: Tips for Kids and Teenagers

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Parents should be the first and favorite teacher of each child.

When it comes to studying and planning, those main activities can make life easier for everyone in the family. Some of the strategies may, however, require an adjustment for other family members.

Turn off the TV.

Depending on the location of the television, make a house rule that when it’s study time, it’s “no TV” time. A running tv can attract children to honey like bees.

What about the radio or other audio devices? Does that have to be on or off? Contrary to what many experts say, it seems that some kids actually work well with the radio switched on to a favorite music channel. (Perhaps an investment in earbuds would be worth considering, depending on the layout of your house or apartment.)


Set specific rules about using cell phones during study hours. Use of a cell phone, for example, can only occur when calling a schoolmate to confirm an assignment or discuss particularly challenging homework becomes necessary.
Designate specific areas for homework and studying. Different areas allocated for homework and study. Possibilities include the kitchen, dining room, or a bedroom for your infant. Eliminate any possible interruption. Since many children are going to study at their quarters, the purpose becomes more important than beauty.
Most children’s desks lack the space to spread materials. A table that works incredibly well for all supplies needed such as pencils, pens, paper, books, and other necessities. Consider setting a bulletin board above the desk in your child’s room. Your local hardware store may sell wallboards that are inexpensive and perfect for posting essential items from the school. You may choose to paint or burlap it to enhance its appearance, or allow your child to take on this project.

Keeping general supplies on hand is important. Check with your child about his or her needs. Make it his/her responsibility to be well supplied with paper, pencils, notepads, etc. Encourage the use of a notebook for writing down assignments so there is no confusion about when they must be turned in to the teacher.

Consistency is a critical factor for academic achievement. Try to organize the household so dinner is at a normal hour, and it’s time to crack the books once it’s over. If your child has no other obligations and gets home from school reasonably early, some completion of the homework can occur prior to dinner.

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